Sports and Games Cell
Academic Year 2018 - 19
Functions of the Cell
- Prepare Action Plan for the year.
- Indicate requirement of sports items and maintain all types of sporting inventory.
- Organize intra-college competitions at the college level.
- Assist and encourage the students to participate actively in organizing and conducting various sports and games both indoor and outdoor in the college.
- Maintain records of sports and games events attended by students within the college, within the university and outside at the region/state /national level and their achievements/ awards.
- Submit annual report on the sports/ events and budget allocations & spent during the year.
- Coordinate with the Vice-Principal, Principal in
- Obtaining permission to hold sports events in the college campus.
- Recommending students to participate in the intra or inter-college events.
- Recommending sanction for Entry/Registration Fees to participate in various sports events.
- Submitting the information regarding students who have taken part in sports events.
Management of the cell (Committee)
Committee composition
- The composition of the committee compromises one senior faculty member as a coordinator.
- One faculty from each department with equal gender as a Member.
- Two students from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Year in each department with equal gender and those who are interested / participated in Sports and Games events as a Student Member.
Committee Members
S.No |
Name of the Member |
Designation of the Member |
Position of the Member |
1 |
Dr. I. Satyanarayana |
Principal |
Chairman |
2 |
Mr. B.Rama Krishna |
Physical Director |
Convener |
3 |
Mr. G.Vijay |
H&S, Assoc. Professor |
Member |
4 |
Mr. L.Dharmendra |
Civil, Assistant Professor |
Member |
5 |
Mr. P.Sree Ramulu |
CSE, Assistant Professor |
Member |
6 |
Mr. M.Yadagiri |
Mech, Assistant Professor |
Member |
7 |
Mr. P.Rajendra |
ECE, Assistant Professor |
Member |
8 |
Mr. Rama Krishna |
Administrative Officer |
Member |
Roles & Responsibilities of committee members
Roles & Responsibilities of Coordinator
- To ensure the healthy environment for conducting various sports and games in the college premises.
- To organize and motivate the students to actively participate in intra and inter college level sports and games competitions.
- To ensure the sportsmanship among students by giving training with help of coaches for different games and sports.
- To facilitate the environment with general physical fitness through Multi Gym and Fitness Equipment’s in the college premises..
- Approach the government organizations to get grants in sports/gymnasium etc.
- To organize the Yoga program for keeping good health and mind.
Roles & Responsibilities of Faculty member
- To prepare a schedule for conducting various sports and games in the college premises.
- To conduct various sports and games in intra and inter college level.
- To invite eminent coaches for different games and sports.
- To maintain and utilize the physical fitness multi gym and fitness equipment’s effectively.
- Continuous monitoring and process to get grants in government organizations.
- To conduct the Yoga program periodically.
Roles & Responsibilities of Student member
- To identify interested students in sports and games.
- To motivate the students for effective participation in sports and games in intra and inter college level.
- To arrange the students and assisting the faculty member for smooth conduction of the events.
- Motivate the students to utilise the physical fitness multi gym and fitness equipment’s effectively.
- To assist the faculty members for getting grants from government organisations.
- Motivate the students to participate in Yoga in order to maintain good health and mind.