Student Corner

Civil Department Student Corner

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1 SECOND YEAR Strength Of Materials-I 1. Types of Stress and Strains
2. Shear Force & Bending Moment for Different Beams
3. pure bending and shear stress
2 SECOND YEAR Fluid Mechanics-I 1. An introduction to the properties of fluids and solids
2. Hydrostatic force on submerged plane
3. Reynolds experiment
4. Separation of Boundary layer
3 SECOND YEAR Building Materials& Construction Planning 1. Prologue
2. Functions Of Buildings
3. Production and Composition
4 SECOND YEAR Surveying-I 1.
4. RTK GPS accuracy
5 SECOND YEAR Strength Of Materials - II 1. Torsion spring
2. Strength Of Materials
3. differences between a column and a strut
4. Elastic Stability Of Columns
5. Retaining wall
6. Strength of Materials
7. Unsymmetrical Bending, Shear Centre_c&y
8. Thick & thin cylinders
9. Torsion (mechanics)
6 SECOND YEAR Fluid Mechanics - II 1. Fluid Mechanics Lecture 1
2. Baseband transmission of digital signals
3. Passband Transmission
4. Using Improved Shannon-Fano-Elias Codes for Data Encryption
5. Optimum Receiver Digital Communication
6. DPCM,ADPCM,DM,ADM and LPC by Jeneetha seelan
7. Mod-01 Lec-14 Generation and Properties of PN Sequences
8. Priciples of Digital Communication
7 SECOND YEAR Structural Analysis 1. Lecture-1 on Structural Analysis
2. Lecture-2 on Structural Analysis
3. Cables and Arches
4. Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures by the Displacement Method
5. Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures by the Displacement Method
8 SECOND YEAR Engineering Geology 1. Infiltration
2. Hydrograph
3. Engineering Geology
4. Irrigation
9 THIRD YEAR Concrete Technology 1. Concrete Technology
2. Advantages & Disadvantages of Concrete
3. Concrete Technology
4. Concrete Technology Production & Composition
10 THIRD YEAR Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures 1. Design of RCC Columns
2. Design of RCC Structures
3. Design of Rainforced Concrete Structures
4. Limit State Structural Design
5. Design of RCC Structures
11 THIRD YEAR Water Resources Engineering – I 1. Introduction to engineering hydrology and its applications
2. Penman and Blaney & Criddle Methods
3.Other alternative methods in increasing crop yields aside from using commercially available fertilizers
4. Watery Discharge
12 THIRD YEAR Design of Steel Structures 1.Steel Structures
2. Bolted connections
3. Design of Laterally U nsupported SteelI-Beams According to the Egyptian Code of Practice a Proposed Simple Euation
4. Plate girder bridges
5. Steel Roof Truss Types & Designs. Steel Truss Design
13 THIRD YEAR Environmental Engineering 1. Industrial Waste Water Treatment
2. Urban Water and Wastewater Engineering
3. Wastewater Treatment
4. On-Site Wastewater Treatment
5. Water and Wastewater Engineering
14 THIRD YEAR Ground Water Development & Management 1. Occurrence of Groundwater
2. Groundwater Movement
3. Groundwater Flow to Wells
4. Groundwater Investigation
5. Well Development & Rehabilitation
15 THIRD YEAR Soil Mechanics 1. soil formation and structure
2. Factors affecting permeability
3. Factors affecting compaction effects of compaction on soil properties
4. Normally consolidated soil, over consolidated soil and under consolidated soil
5. Shear strength of soils
16 FOURTH YEAR Remote Sensing & GIS 1. Remote Sensing Integration with GIS and GPS
2. Satellite based remote sensing
3. Spatial Data Input & Editing
17 FOURTH YEAR Transportation Engineering - II 1. Cross Section of Permanent Way Function of Various Components like Rails
2. Geometric Design of Railway Track Gradients
18 FOURTH YEAR Advanced Foundation Engineering 1. Advanced Foundation Engineering
2. Advanced Foundation Engineering
19 FOURTH YEAR Estimating & Costing 1. Estimating & Costing
2. Estimation and Rate Analysis(Estimation)
3. Estimating & Costing
4. Estimating Costing in Civil Engineering
20 FOURTH YEAR Industrial Waste Water Treatment 1. industrial wastewater treatment
2.Coagulation/flocculation process and sludge conditioning in beverage industrial wastewater treatment
3.State-of-the-art of anaerobic digestion technology for industrial wastewater treatment
4. Industrial wastewater treatment technology, Second edition
5. Mineral Mining and Processing Industry
21 FOURTH YEAR Water Resources Engineering -II 1.
22 FOURTH YEAR R&RS 1. CPWD Publications
2. CPWD Publications
3. Structural Health Monitoring
4. Corrosion of Embedded Metals
5. Assessment of The Deterioration of Concrete in NPP
6. Evaluation of Concrete Structures Prior to Rehabilitation
7. Repairing Concrete Structure | Buildings
8. Repairs and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures for Failure and Defects
9. Structural Health Monitoring
10. Instrumentation for Structural Health Monitoring
23 FOURTH YEAR Construction Management 1. Management process rules in construction management
2. Construction Projects
3. Manpower Planning and Development Process
4. Types of Construction Contracts
5. Emerging Perspective for Reforms
24 FOURTH YEAR Pre stressed Concrete Structures 1. Prestressed Concrete Structures
2. Lecture 1 - Prestressing System
3. Pre Stressed Losses Prestress
4. Pre Stressed Concrete Solved Problems
5. PSC Lecture Notes
6. Control of Deflection in Concrete Structures