Entrepreneurship Development Cell

Functions of Cell

  • To organize Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and Faculty Development Programmes in the region for the benefit of S&T persons.
  • To develop and introduce curriculum on Entrepreneurship Development at various levels including degree/diploma courses of the parent institution and other institutes in the region.
  • To conduct research work and survey for identifying entrepreneurial opportunities
  • To guide and assist prospective entrepreneurs on various aspects such as preparing project reports, obtaining project approvals, loans and facilities from agencies of support systems and information on various technologies.
  • To organize guest lectures, TV & Radio talks, Seminars, etc. for promotion and growth of S& T based and execution of their projects. entrepreneurship.

Management of the cell (Committee)

Committee composition

  • The composition of the committee compromises one senior faculty member as a coordinator.
  • One faculty from each department with equal gender as a Member.
  • Two students from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Year in each department with equal gender and those who are interested/participated in Entrepreneurship Development events as a Student Member.

Committee Members


Name of the Member

Designation of the Member

Position of the Member


Dr. I. Satyanarayana




Dr. R. Yadagiri Rao





Professor, CSE



Ms. K.Sudha

Assistant professor, ECE



Ms. S Akhila

Assistant Professor,CSE



Mr. B Srinu

Assistant Professor,ME



Mr. B Ramkumar

Assistant Professor,CIVIL


Roles & Responsibilities of committee members

Roles & Responsibilities of Coordinator

  • To coordinate the cell members to organize the orientation program on entrepreneurship.
  • To organize the various training programs like entrepreneurial education/skills for the students.
  • To organize the seminar on emerging challenges and opportunities in small, medium scale and micro industry.
  • To sign MOU with the leading educational institutions.
  • To guide the cell member for conducting the appropriate training related to non-corporate and Unorganized sectors.
  • Facilitate students to visit various ongoing projects in industries, make them familiar with the current situation and scenario in the industry through the training by industrial person.

Roles & Responsibilities of Faculty member

  • To invite the resource person for conducting the orientation program.
  • To conduct various training programs like seminar and workshop which educate the students to get funding from government scheme.
  • To identify the core company and MNC company with respect to their domain for inviting eminent person.
  • To approach authenticate person from leading institutions
  • To conduct the appropriate training related to non-corporate and unorganized sectors.
  • To arrange the industrial visit for the students to aware the current scenario in industries.

Roles & Responsibilities of Student member

  • To identify interested students in entrepreneurship.
  • To motivate the students for effective participation in seminar and workshop.
  • To arrange the students and assisting the faculty member for smooth conduction of the program.
  • To assist the faculty members to identify the authenticate person.
  • To invite the resource person from non-corporate and unorganized sectors.
  • Seeking permission for industrial visit.