R&D Consult Cell
R&D Consult Cell meets twice in year to review various research and development activities under taken by the institution.
Responsibilities of the committee:
- To prepare annual research activity plan for all the departments.
- Take up appropriate problems of the industry for finding solutions through R&D projects assigned to faculty and students.
- To motivate students for presenting papers in National and International conferences and projects in competitions Interdepartmental / collaborative work to be encouraged.
- To monitor progress of the research and development activity.
Committee Members | |||
S.No |
Name |
Designation & Department |
Position of member |
1 |
Dr. I. Satyanarayana |
Principal |
Chairman |
2 |
Dr. P.Abhimanyu |
Mech, Professor |
Convener |
3 |
Dr. M.C.Raju |
Member |
4 |
Dr. B. Ratna Kanth |
Member |
5 |
Dr. MD.Rahman |
Member |
6. |
Dr. D.Rajeshwari |
Member |
7. |
Mr.I.Venu |
ECE , Assistant Professor |
Member |
8. |
Dr. D.Prema Latha |
H&S, Professor |
Member |
9. |
Mr. A. Vamshi |
HOD, CIVIL, Assoc. Professor |
Member |